Time Signatures
Matteo Caldari
Matteo Caldari
in progress
This request has been posted on multiple threads under different titles. If you add them all up, you'll discover that this maybe one of the highest requested features (if not the highest).
Matteo Caldari
Said van Hattum
Matteo Caldari Is this something that is being considered? I just bought sand because of my need for a quick clean auv3 host to make sketches in. Problem is: most of my music is in 3/4 or 6/8. I don’t mind waiting for the functionality but would (respectfully ofcourse) like to know if it is on your radar/priority list.
Matteo Caldari
Said van Hattum: thanks for your comment. This is definitely going to be implemented, probably not in the next update (1.4) which focuses on automation and parameters, but I'll include in the one after that
Said van Hattum
Matteo Caldari: thank you very much for your reply and the ETA! I am finding sand a very elegant sequencer and look forward to it’s integration in my workflow!
100% agree, would be great to have this as a choice per clip. Ideally would have both numbers freely selectable rather than preset choices. Need to do 19/8 every now and then just to make sure folks are paying attention!
Ian Harris
I also see this as really important as I wouldn’t be able to use the app for much of my type of music without it. It’s really frustrating that so many other apps stick to 4/4 only, and would be a big selling point for sand to have different time signatures for those who need it for their style of music.